

Our school, Rozenberg S.O. is situated in the city of Mol, Belgium. It is a provincial city counting about 30,000 inhabitants. Our school hosts 1,500 students aged 12-18 and we offer both a theoretical technical and a general education level. Our staff is about 200 teachers and secretaries.

General Secondary Education
– emphasises a broad theoretical education.
– provides a strong basis for higher education of long qualification.
– pupils can follow different courses as there are: Economics-Modern Languages, Latin-Mathematics, Latin-Science, Latin-Greek, Mathematics-Modern Languages, Mathematics-Science
– Sports-Science
– when a subject is announced pupils have at least five lesson hours each week on this subject.
– our students learn Dutch, English and French. Some students also learn German, Italian or Chinese.

Technical Secondary Education
– focuses on the theoretical aspects of technical training.
– after graduating in TSO, one can study in higher educational system of short qualification.
– in our school pupils can choose between : Chemistry-assistant, Physical Education and Sports, Technical Science, Social Technical Science.
– on each subject pupils hav at least 12 theoretical-technical lesson hours each week.

Besides following lessons students have journeys to Calais, Paris, Italy ….Through European exchange programs pupils went to Denmark, Holland, Finland, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Slovakia.
Our students organise all kind of activities. Once a year they make Christmas bouquets for lonely feeling old people, they collect new toys for kids who do not have their parents anymore, they celebrate the last 100 days at school, they hold a “Nicargua-committee” to collect money for projects and our students’ council organise sports activities, too.